Yes. These are all computer games. Computer games here, do not only refer to games playable on a 'computer', but also games playable on consoles such as PSPs, DSlite, PS1, PS2, PS3, Wii, X-box,X-box 360 etc.
To put it in General Term, computer games are computer-made games, running on a virtual platform by recursively requesting input or directions from the users (players)
So in programming, it will be like, i run a programme, and i keep prompting the user for input, then, according to your input, the program will run differently, though, all this is still restricted to a programme, hence, the outcome, most probably, will be similar.
According to Dr Golam, Computer gaming is all about the integration of content, game design , technology buliding on the very fundamental foundations of gaming;
To put it in General Term, computer games are computer-made games, running on a virtual platform by recursively requesting input or directions from the users (players)
So in programming, it will be like, i run a programme, and i keep prompting the user for input, then, according to your input, the program will run differently, though, all this is still restricted to a programme, hence, the outcome, most probably, will be similar.
According to Dr Golam, Computer gaming is all about the integration of content, game design , technology buliding on the very fundamental foundations of gaming;
1.Being Short and sweet (so that your psp can have 1 game per UMD instead of 20 UMD per game...),
2.Computing only the required data (Reducing computational powers needed...So that that DS lite can run high quality games AND last for long hours on a single battery charge...)
3.Divide and Conquer-dividing what you need to compute into a number of segments, such that each part will only compute when the adjacent parts are being requested. (Again, reducing computational power..)
4.Minimum Comminication/ Efficient data Representation (So that you wouldnt find that your Wii lagging once you swing your remote about...)
5.Pre-computing what you can (So that you do not find yourself looking at shadows, or a random blur, when you rotate Cloud (A character from final fantasy 7) 360 degree and also , not lagging when you try to access your Attribute status in Diablo 2...)
By understanding the above 5 points, basically anyone with good programming back ground can come up with a game themselves.
How 'sale-able' the game is, would still remains a question...hmmm...
How 'sale-able' the game is, would still remains a question...hmmm...
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