After the lecture on how Amazon works under the hood, i was quite confused as to what the professor was talking about as i have no prior experience of using Amazon :P
Thus i think it would be beneficial to all of us that we have a sample look into the shopping experience of Amazon.
A first look at the homepage of
I have to admit, I was ashamed of my own lack of knowledge regarding
I use to think that it was only an online bookstore that delivers Harry Potter to your doorstep as soon as it's release. I was shocked to find so many different products on their website.
It is more worthy to be called Amazon the Supermart from now on. Just a sample of the range of products available on the website. Books(duh!), music, games, toys, electronics, sports, gardening and many more. Many of these products are non virtual and in fact bulky.
Out goes the window of my imagination of Amazon warehouse to be storing only books.

It is truly amazing that the amount of time you have to spend to purchase one item that you want is less than 10 mins. All you have to do is to key in the proper title that you are looking for and get your visa card ready.

As many of you know(if not all :P) i'm an avid Mac fan and i must say i'm very please to see that Mac laptops are supported on
In fact what was amazing was that not only sells first hand Macs, it also resell second hand Macs and both prices are below the standard retail price at Apple. It also indicates how many units of laptop it has remaining in stock. Surely this will attract those people who always wanted a Mac but had not enough budget.Furthermore they deliever to your doorstep :D
With the discovery that they offer not only good prices for 1st hand products, but also GREAT prices for 2nd products, i would personally encourage all of you to take a look inside there before you purchase any expensive products. Who knows, perhaps u can buy 2 of it at :D
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